
Saturday, October 10, 2009

Bailey, bassett hound

Thirty Days Later, Missing Anderson Township Dog Found

Bailey If you're a pet lover, you can relate to the stress of your dog running off without a trace. For a local family, a month-long search for their bassett hound has a happy ending and technology is a big reason why. Local 12's Paula Toti has one family's desperate search for their dog Bailey.

It's hard when any pet is lost, but Bailey is 13 years old and you'd really have to worry about a dog that old making it on his own.

His owners did all the right things, he had been micro-chipped, they had lots of photos and they posted those photos all over their neighborhood. But it's the power of the internet that has Bailey's tail wagging once again.

Bailey left the vets office on Tuesday 20 pounds lighter than when he appeared very briefly on Local 12 in July. We were at his Anderson Township home because coyotes had been spotted. "That's the first thing I thought of, I knew if a coyote got him, it was the end of him."

A week after the coyote interview, Bailey ran off when a gate was left ajar, beginning a 32 day ordeal. Soon, there were Bailey postings on Craig's List, Local 12, Facebook and Fido Finder.

People started calling Pat Borders with Bailey sightings. One woman saw him and remembered the coyote story. "So she went to the Local 12 archives and looked the story up and it was him. So she called me and let me know she'd seen him."

That call and others only let Pat know Bailey was alive. "All the calls were coming from the same neighborhood, so we knew that was a pretty good sign."

The calls were coming from the busy Beechmont Road area. At one home, two miles away in Mount Washington, Bailey was being fed by the Reif family. "I actually decided to go on Craig's List, typed in bassett hound and found three posts of him, three different pictures."

While the web is responsible for getting Bailey home, the SPCA's Harold Dates has this to say about technology: "It can be a good thing. You have to be careful about communicating on the internet, you never know who you're communicating with."

The reunion happened this past Saturday and Bailey was a bit weak at first, but his energy has returned.

You heard that warning from the SPCA. One thing you might want to do in a case like this is withhold a little information about your pet so you know if the person at the other end of the phone or internet is legit. Fortunately, Bailey ran into a lot of animal lovers.


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