
Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Here's a lost dog story with a happy ending for you
Wed Oct-22-08 01:08 AM

I live outside a small town in the middle of nowhere.

While driving home from work Saturday afternoon, in the middle of nowhere, literally miles from the nearest house, I see two dogs running down the road.

I slowed down as the little brown dog (LBD) was in the middle of the road while the big white dog (BWD) was on the side of the road. The BWD looked to be in a bit of distress, limping and tongue lolling.

As I went by slowly and got in front, they both started HAULING ASS to catch the car.

So I stopped and rolled down the window. They caught up; the LBD jumped up on the door and started whining, the BWD sat and whined.

I got out of the car, noticed they both had collars but no tags, their tails started wagging. I told them "Sit, Stay" and by God, they DID!!

I put the seats down in the back of the SUV and called them to get in. I had to help them both but now I have two strange lost dogs in the car. I called hubby and told him to meet me on the front porch with a bowl of water.

The BWD was in bad shape, thin and REALLY thirsty (he drank the bowl dry twice) but the LBD kept starting down the driveway. The LBD was ON A MISSION to go home? or someplace. The BWD was a happy boy hanging on the porch with people.

We couldn't keep them; I have 3 already in a small house, but hubby said he had overheard his boss say Thursday that his dog had escaped so he tried to call the boss. No answer.

So we loaded them back up in the car and took them to the drop off at the local shelter. I took food with me, but there was food in the drop off kennel so we gave them another bowl of water and left them.

Sunday, hubby called the boss and sure enough, LBD was his dog so whew! one dog accounted for and in a safe place til Monday when the boss could go get him. LBD would have escaped from our backyard in about 2.3 seconds anyway.

Monday AM we called the shelter and told them where we found them and that LBD's owner was already found and informed of the LBD's whereabouts.

Monday night, hubby went to work and another coworker overheard the story and said "Big White retriever type dog?? Did it have a red collar?" why yes! BWD did have a red collar!

Coworker says "Oh man that's GREAT!! My next door neighbor's dog got lost last week and his kids are heartbroken"

So BWD got reunited Tuesday with his family too.

I love it when a rescue has a happy ending, don't you?


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