
Friday, March 19, 2010

Delilah, boxer

How social media helped this lost dog get home
Tuesday, November 17, 2009 at 0:19

*The contents of this post are 100% true (even if they bear remarkable resemblance to a recent national commercial) :)

Yes, social media is without doubt here to stay. It has become an integral part of our daily lives - it connects us.

Social Media is everywhere, yet we forget our grassroots (traditional communication).

Here is a story of how traditional communication methods worked hand in hand with new communication to help a lost dog get home.

This past Sunday, I was in my local ACME Supermarket doing my weekly shopping. I happened to come across a flyer on the way out. It read: *LOST DOG*

As I always have, I took a picture on my phone and posted it on all my social media networks. I have always done this because if my dog were to go missing - I would hope others would do the same for me.

I hoped the best for the dog and continued on my trip home.

As I was putting away the groceries, I get a call from a nearby friend screaming and yelling...

After I was able to calm them down, they explained that they were on Facebook and saw the picture I posted...they found the dog in the picture!!

They assured me that this was the dog and that I had to come right away to see for myself. I rushed over, and to my surprise - there was Delilah!!!!!!

This 8 year old Boxer was completely covered in dirt, ticks and was soaking wet from the rain.

My friend took her in and got her all cleaned up. Delilah enjoyed a nice meal and was having fun playing with the other pups in the house.

Immediately, we called the number on the flyer and asked the owner to come right away and see if this was in fact their dog.

Sure enough, Delilah was found. She is now resting at home safe and sound.

Social media is powerful, but never forget the basics :)


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