
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Nookie, Siberian Husky

No matter how many stories I read of lost dogs found, I still find it incredible that a person would just take a dog with tags, and then  give the dog to a person who sees the tags and responds by contacting the owners. On a happier note, I love the creative way that the auditor’s office employee connected the dog to its owner.

Dog gone tale has a happy ending
Service dog reunited with Hamilton owner after walking out and taking ride to Michigan
By Josh Sweigart, Staff Writer
Updated 2:00 AM Friday, May 1, 2009

Heather Komnenovich's Siberian husky "Nookie" was found in Michigan after going missing more than a week ago.

HAMILTON — Kanuck is more than a friend to Heather Komnenovich. The Siberian husky is a highly trained service dog that helps her function in society.

So when “Nookie” went missing, Komnenovich was devastated. It couldn’t have come at a worse time, either, as her mother had just died.

But when the dog turned up in Michigan, and several people stepped forward to reunite the two, Komnenovich saw a hint of a miracle.

The dog disappeared more than a week ago. She just walked out the door.

“She knows how to open doors,” Komnenovich said.

At that point, Butler County Dog Warden Julie Holmes said a Michigan man came across Nookie while fishing in Hamilton and took the dog to his brother-in-law in Temperance, Mich. That man noticed the dog was wearing a tag and called the Butler County Auditor’s Office.

Auditor’s office employee Bob Goettelman found Komnenovich through her mother’s obituary in the newspaper. He contacted a family member who told her at the funeral that her dog was found.

Holmes then drove her own car to Lima to meet the Michigan man and pick up the dog. Nookie stayed at Holmes’ house overnight.

And it was all wagging tongues and big smiles when the two were reunited Thursday, April 30, at the Animal Friends Humane Society, which gave the dog a free vet check.
Komnenovich thanks all the people who helped find Nookie, and believes her mother may have played a role as well.

“Maybe my mom just had unfinished business she needed to attend to before leaving the earth,” she said.

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