
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tyson, small white dog

Facebook Neighbors Reunite Dog with Owner
March 5

David Slade’s fiancée Kelly was the first to find the lost little dog. Standing in the driveway on her way to shop for wedding dresses in January, Kelly was surprised when the disoriented animal cheerfully run up to her. Kelly brought the pup, which she nicknamed “Mouse”, inside from the incoming rainstorm to play with their own dogs. She left David to begin searching for the owner of the lost pet alone.

Neither Kelly nor David could have guessed that Facebook would play an integral role in the effort to reunite Mouse with his family.

The dog was wearing a collar, but no tags, leaving David unsure where to begin his search for the owner. Initially, he pursued traditional methods by calling the neighborhood vet and the Humane Society, leaving a phone number and a description of Mouse in case anyone had called to inquire. Once the storm clouds parted, he even went door-to-door in the area surrounding his home, but was frustrated when he realized that many neighbors owned similar small white dogs and all of them seemed to be accounted for.

The following day, David knew it was time to take a different approach. Fortunately, his neighborhood of Hillcrest, a small, older area within Little Rock, Ark., has an active Facebook Page with nearly 2,500 fans. David posted a photo of Mouse, along with the following short message to the Page’s Wall.

Amazingly, within only a few hours, a woman named Lin Chan commented: “That’s our TYSON! Thank you!”

Lin had been alerted to David’s post by a phone call from a friend who had seen the post. “I quickly logged onto Facebook and was relieved and in disbelief when I saw Tyson’s photo posted by David,” Chan said. “My son, who is 4, actually cried when he saw the photo because he ‘wanted Tyson home now’.”

David and Kelly quickly contacted Lin after they saw her comment, and their Mouse, who was actually Tyson, was returned to the arms of Lin and her two sons in no time. During the search, David remembered a cell phone commercial he’d seen, where a picture of a lost dog is sent around town by text message and lead to his owner.

“I remember thinking ‘if only it were that easy,’” David said. “Turns out it is.”


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