
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Frankie, Boston Terrier

Microchip helps U.S. family reunite with lost dog after four months of searching
By Pat Curry and John Keilman, MCT
May 11, 2010

CHICAGO - Thanks to a microchip and a Wheeling, Ill., man who loves dogs, a Michigan farm family has been reunited with their 3-year-old Boston terrier Frankie who ran away four months ago.

Frankie, a dog from Battle Creek, Mich. missing since January, reunited with owner Denise Shepard in Wheeling, Ill. on May 11, 2010.

On Tuesday afternoon, the Shepard family arrived at the Wheeling Animal Hospital and Pet Resort - 200 miles from their home - for a joyous reunion with Frankie.

The 20-pound dog let out a howl when he saw Denise Shepard - and she howled right back. "This is like finding a lost child to us," Shepard said.

"My husband Joe was outside with Frankie and Xena, our Rottweiler, and it was like one minute he wasn't watching that when he turned around and both were gone," Shepherd said. "Xena came back that night, but not Frankie.

"Joe ran ads, contacted vets within a 50-mile radius, put up plywood signs, everything. But no sign," Denise said. "I never gave up hope. Everyone should have their dog micro-chipped. We probably never would have seen this day if we hadn't done that."

Mark Feldstein was returning to his Wheeling home from his niece's graduation around 1 a.m. this past Sunday when he spotted Frankie as he was getting out of the car.

"Here's this dog sitting there just looking at me. He looked so friendly, and he actually looked healthy. He followed me right up to my house. He followed me everywhere," Feldstein said.

Feldstein, who has two dogs of his own, describes himself as an animal lover. He said he called police right away but got voicemail.

"So I went to the police station and talked to the desk sergeant. I asked if they would put the dog to sleep if no one adopted him, and was told it was always a possibility.

"I thought, over my dead body," Feldstein said. "In fact, I was thinking if he wasn't claimed, I or my girlfriend would adopt him and name him 'Lost.' He was a real sweetie."

As he followed police to the Wheeling animal hospital, he asked officers not to put Frankie in a cage.

On Monday morning Feldstein, his girlfriend and best friend went to visit the dog and were told Frankie had a microchip under his skin that connected him to the Shepherds in Battle Creek, Mich.

"It blew me away," Feldstein said. "I'm asking him, the dog, how did you get here?"

Denise Shepard wants to know as well, but is just delighted that Frankie was found.

The staff told her he was healthy, she said. "So I know someone took good care of him, and now I get to see him. I hope he remembers me."

It was rough not only on the family, but on Xena as well, according to Shepard.

"She moped for weeks. Especially the first month. She'd wander around like she was lost. But when I found out yesterday, I called everyone I knew. I even told our chihuahua, Raffy, and she just started wagging her tail. I freaked my husband out because by the time he called me back, I'd already left eight messages." Shepard said.

On Tuesday afternoon, she said she "just kept praying for (Frankie) and here he is."

The Shepards - who have six acres of unfenced land - will be taking him back to Battle Creek. "I think we're going to put a fence in the backyard now."

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Another version of the story, with video, is at:

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