
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Perry, with the checkered ear

Local Woman Reunited With Lost Dog
Reported by: Patrick Fazio
Friday, March 30 2007

Thanks to WTWO viewers, more than $15,000 was raised during a telethon for the Terre Haute Humane Society Monday night. The money will help the animal shelter pay for items it needs to care for new animals and strays.

The telethon not only paid off for the humane society, but also for one local woman in a way she could never imagine.

Hundreds of people called in during the WTWO/Terre Haute Humane Society Telethon. Janice Brown of Terre Haute was one of them.

"I had turned the television on to watch the telethon and we were going to donate money." Some people called to adopt an animal, but Janice Brown just wanted to give money because she still missed her dog who ran away a month ago.

"I prayed a lot and looked at his picture and he has a sleeping cage, and I would often refold the blanket in there and go by and touch it and say his name. "I would just say you are coming home some day big guy."

But before Janice could get to the phone to donate, "The camera began to show the dogs I recognized the dogs ear. It is checkered and it is very rare." Janice realized her dog, Perry, was alive and well.

"I can't describe it. Overjoy. Just gratefulness that someone was kind enough to take him there."

And everyone there at the Terre Haute Humane Society was just as grateful, including the manager, Patricia Farnsworth.

"This woman you could tell, she says she lives for her animals, and it was... well I can go home tonight and sleep soundly knowing that Perry and his family are reunited."

Patricia Farnsworth does not usually sleep much most nights because many missing pets never get reunited.

"We hold the animal for 5 days and when you are really pushed for space, sometimes you know you have to make decisions on who stays and who does not." Patricia says the overflow of animals means some of them have to be put to sleep. "Sometimes I wonder how many animals we have euthanized that are Perry, and I mourn, I mourn that." That is why Patricia is so happy when a story like this comes along.

"I am so grateful you got your dog back." It gives her hope and that is what kept Janice going. Hoping to one day find Perry and thinking about what she would do when she would bring him home. "Feed him and then probably give him a good cold drink of water and then we are going to get him down and roll him over and love him."

Janice hopes other missing pets get reunited with their loved ones. That is why when she went back home, she called the telethon again. This time to give money, more than she had planned.

The Terre Haute Humane Society recommends microchips in pets and reminds owners to keep pictures of pets in case their pet gets lost. The humane society also recommends getting your pet spayed or neutered so they do not run off when in heat and make sure you call local animal shelters with specific information about your pet if they are missing.


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