
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Molly, golden retriever

yay! i reunited a lost dog with her owners!
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:05 pm

I just got the most heartwarming phone call from a 10 year old little girl.

I answered my phone and on the other end I heard this excited little girl say "thank you very much for finding my dog for me!" my heart just melted and I cried happy tears.

the background of this story is... 2 weeks ago I found a golden retriever standing by a very busy road with an unmistakable look on her face that said " I have no idea which way to go now". so, she started walking down the middle of the road! All of these cars were whizzing by her-jerks! and no one stopped.

I pulled over, and used a trick I learned from a fellow animal lover- I used my best excited sing song voice and said "yay! let's go for a ride! Yay!" She came practically crawling to me, really submissive but tail wagging. And then she flopped on to her back and would not budge! lol

I had a firm hold of her but we were still too close to the road for my taste. Problem was- I could not budge her to get her into my car.

After numerous cars passed by, a van drove by and quickly turned around. she stopped to see if i needed help, b/c she thought the dog had been hit. She helped me get the dog into the car and we discussed what to do.

I was on my way to work, and was going to call them to say I'd be late (they are used to my "I found a dog- I'll be late" phonecalls)

This woman offered to keep her while we both looked for her owners. I talked to her at length to see if she was trustworthy, and my gut told me it was ok. So, I handed over the dog to this woman.

Well, after 2 weeks of not finding any leads, I spotted a lost dog poster by my house that had just recently been put up. I called the lady with the dog and called the lost dog number, and had them call each other, and it was a match!! The dog I had found was named Molly, and she had been a rescue from an abusive situation. The family who rescued Molly from this situation was devestated by losing Molly. Their 2 girls cried themselves to sleep every night for the past 2 weeks.

The woman who had kept Molly for those 2 weeks said that as soon as Molly saw the girls- she went nuts! and the girls had Molly's picture with them, and showed her all the tricks she knows, and there isn't a doubt in her mind that was Molly's family.

I am so happy for them! That little girl was sooo cute. She could barely contain herself, she was overjoyed. (and immediately, I looked up to the heavens and thanked my Murphy for a job well done) good job Murph-Murph - he is becoming quite the guardian angel . . . Mommy's so proud of you.


Thank goodness the family didn't quit looking for her! they said they thought someone must have picked her up and was keeping her, they never thought they'd see her again. Thankfully, they kept putting up new posters in different areas- the dots were connected, and she's now home safe!

PS- after I read my original post- I hope it didn't come off as "all about me- look at what I did" I just know how heartbreaking these animal rescue boards can be, and I wanted to share with others the joy I could hear in that little girl's voice and heart.


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