
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Parker, GSP

09/24/08 07:04 AM

A co-worker of mine picked up a dog running along side the highway this morning in Cook, MN. He has the dog in his truck right now until he can find the owner or something. No collar on him/her, I didn't ask him if it was male or female. Very friendly dog, I believe is a GSP. Short hair, short tail, long legs, light brown with some white speckles. She jumped out of the tall grass onto the road just as he was passing. Almost hit her, but swerved and stopped to check on her. So he opened his door and she jumped right in and laid down in the back seat. None of us have ever seen this dog before so we don't believe she's local. Definitely somebody's hunting dog that must have gotten separated from her owners. Any help would be great.

So far, no luck. A Vet will be stopping by the office later to scan him for a chip. This dog is definitely a GSP. Very well behaved dog. The pads on his feet are practically worn off in some spots. We think he has been running for several days. He's sleeping in my coworker’s truck right now. Very tired dog to say the least. Probably been trying to find home for several days now. He ate a little dog food, but wouldn't drink any water. He doesn't even want to get out of the truck now. We tried to let him out to see if he needed to use the bathroom but he didn't want to get out of the truck. Not scared at all, just very tired. I'm sure somebody is missing him. We contacted all the Humane Societies around us but no luck yet. I've posted here and another site in hopes of finding the owner. Ask around, people, and see if any of your buddies have lost a dog. Thanks!

We thought about releasing the dog where we found it. But, we think this dog has been on the move for at least several days. After calling around town we found somebody who spotted the dog about 10 miles from where he was picked up about thirty minutes earlier. Also, the dog’s pads on his feet are worn raw. He has been on his feet walking the highway for a long time to wear the pads down to red raw feet. The dog stayed the night at my co-worker’s house who found him. We're still hoping to find the owner. We've called several papers, sheriffs, city police, humane societies, etc. Hopefully somebody tries to find him up here by calling one of these places and then they will get a hold of us. We had our whole office staff calling around yesterday and searching the internet for lost dogs’ posts. No luck yet.

Great news! A local person in town that had heard we found this dog called us today and said she heard on the Ely radio station someone looking for a lost GSP. She took down the number and called us. We called the number, which was a Colorado number, and left a message. The guy called us back and ID'd the dog to a T. He had been worried sick looking for him. He had gone missing Tuesday and we found him Wednesday so he was only missing for a night. The guy has two GSPs and they both wandered off together. The one came back about 5 hours later, but this one, Parker, didn't come back. The guy said Parker is the one that never wanders, it's the other one he has to watch. So he figures Parker simply couldn't find his way back. So anyway, they have been reunited and all is well.

A little side note to add to this which really upsets me. The owner of this dog called the Virginia Humane society twice on Wednesday to see if they had found their dog, and the humane society said no and that they hadn't heard anything about it. Well, we called the Humane Society at 9:00am Wednesday to inform them that we found this dog, then the owner calls twice and they say they don't know anything about it. That downright burns my hide. No wonder it's so hard to find lost dogs, poor quality of service to say the least.
Thanks guys. The owner was as happy as a clam. He was supposed to head back to Colorado on Tuesday but decided to stick around until he found his dog. He said he put 170 miles on the road yesterday searching for his dog. We all think a little fate played into this one. 9 out of 10 guys would have just kept driving had they seen a dog on the road. For some reason my co-worker decided to stop and check him for a collar and well the rest is history. I love dogs too, but to be honest I probably wouldn't have stopped. I mean, picture driving to work at 6:00 in the morning, pitch black out still, running late for work, and having to swerve for a dog on the road and then making the decision to stop and check on the animal. That takes a special kind of person. I hope we can all take something from this that makes all of us a little more compassionate.

FYI: The owner did say both his dogs are chipped. Our vet in town didn't have a scanner so we never got him checked, but we were discussing bringing him to Virginia to get scanned if an owner didn't turn up soon. I think I may get my dog chipped as well. It's not a sure fix, but it can't hurt.


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