
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ike, black labrador

After two years apart, Portland man and his dog are reunited
Steve Beaven, The Oregonian
Published: Sunday, March 07, 2010

Roger Mallette couldn't believe it when a caller told him that, almost two years later, his dog had turned up.

The story of the man, his dog and the lost and found began on a spring day two years ago near an open field in Chicago.

Roger Mallette was playing with his black lab, Ike, when his cell phone buzzed. Mallette turned around, took the call and Ike took off.

"It was extremely painful," Mallette said Sunday at his office in Southeast Portland. "I never got over it."

For the longest time, it seemed to Mallette the story would end right there and he'd never see Ike again. It seemed like all he could do was nurse his broken heart and tell friends about the dog that got away. But then, late last year, Mallette got a phone call and the whole story changed.

Mallette, who is 45, found Ike on Craigslist in 2004 when he lived in Seattle. He went to pick him up and found his new friend in a muddy backyard, bounding around, full of energy. This did not bode well.

Ike is a runner. If he's not on a leash, he'll sniff around and take off. Mallette estimates that in their first few months together, Ike ran away five or six times.

But Mallette always managed to find his dog. He gave Ike a rabies tag and had a microchip implanted between Ike's shoulder blades, both of which identified Mallette as his owner.

Together, in early 2007, Ike and Mallette moved to Chicago. It was there, in spring 2008, when Mallette took that fateful cell phone call.

He'd taken Ike off the leash to play ball with him in a grassy lot. One minute, Ike was running around, chasing the ball. The next minute: gone.

Mallette put up fliers and placed an ad on Craigslist. No luck. He eventually gave up, too distraught to get another dog.

In late 2008, Mallette moved to Portland. He owns and operates a company that makes cycling jerseys and he wanted to be in the sport's epicenter.

This is where he met his fiance, Elizabeth Everman. He told her all about Ike.

"I'd heard all these stories about him," said Everman. "Roger, whenever we saw a lab, would almost tear up."

That's where the story stood in early December, 2009.

Then early one morning, when Mallette was asleep, he got a phone call. It was a woman from a dog shelter southwest of Chicago. She had Ike, she said on the voice mail. Call us back.

"I about fell out of bed," Mallette said. "I was in utter disbelief. I was so caught-off-guard I was hoarse. I could barely talk."

Apparently, Ike had run away again and someone in Romeoville, Ill., southwest of Chicago, called the animal control department. An officer came and picked Ike up.

After the microchip and the rabies tag confirmed that Mallette was the owner, Mary Helton gave him a call from the shelter.

"He started crying," Helton recalled.

With help from a friend, Mallette had Ike flown to Portland several days later.

Now when he tells the story about his dog, it has a happy ending.

"I have to say man, it's the coolest thing," Mallette said. "The greatest gift the universe has ever given me."

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