
Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Lost dog reunited with owner after months of separation
November 9th, 2010 1:42 pm ET

Washington - When the DRAW Rescue volunteer received a phone call about a stray dog this past August, she was going to give her standard advice and advise the caller to contact Animal Control. But curiosity got the better of the volunteer and she started asking questions.

It turns out that the stray dog was very close to the volunteer's home. Apparently, the dog was injured and frightened and nobody could get close.

Not one to let an injured dog suffer, the volunteer set out with a leash, bag of treats and a blanket - hoping that she would be able to coax the injured dog to safety.

What ensued was a several hour game of cat and mouse - the volunteer would get close, and the dog would limp away. Thankfully, after several hours of tireless pursuit in the blazing sun, the dog collapsed, exhausted, and the determined volunteer was able to scoop her up and carry her to back to her waiting car.

A trip to the rescue's veterinarian revealed that the stray dog had a badly broken leg. Draw Rescue did not hesitate to agree to the surgery that would be necessary to put the broken dog back together.

The dog, now named Lexxie, had her surgery, and went home with the volunteer that caught her so that she could heal. One week post surgery, Lexxie attempted to bolt from her foster home, ripping her stitches from her leg. She had to revisit the vet clinic to be sewn up yet again. Thankfully, she did not attempt to escape after this incident.

Draw Rescue notified animal control of the found dog, and also posted notices on Craigslist - hoping to find Lexxie's owner. Nobody stepped forward to claim the stray, injured dog.

As the weeks passed, Lexxie healed and began to attend adoption events. According to DRAW, she was always the star of the show - stealing people's hearts with her sweet, well-behaved demeanor.

She was amazing with children and well, just amazing in general. Draw had no doubt that she would be an amazing find for a special adopter.

When the first adoption inquiry came in for Lexxie, it was someone asking about the dog's availability. The person was told that Lexxie was just now available in light of her prior injury. Another inquiry came in from the same person later in the day.

The person claimed to know who owned the dog and that the dog's real name was Estrella and that her owner had been searching frantically for her for nearly 3 months.

Within moments, the owner of Lexxie/Estrella phoned the Draw volunteer. He explained what had happened to spur Estrella's disappearance.

Back on August 17, three days before the dog was found, Lexxie/Estrella bolted from her yard after a sonic boom frightened her. Residents of Washington State will recall that day - fighter jets had been deployed from Portland, OR to Seattle when a float plane violated airspace restraints put in place while President Obama visited the area.

The owner had been searching for his dog ever since. After spending several minutes on the phone, talking about the dog, the volunteer invited the man to her home.

Lexxie/Estrella had lived with this volunteer for nearly 3 months. She was sweet, but shy and reserved. She had come around from the time she had been found, but still had a long way to go.

According to the volunteer, that all changed the minute that her true owner walked through the door. The dog heard his voice, launched herself from the couch, and ran to his waiting arms. A tearful reunion followed.

According to Estrella's foster mom, Estrella/Lexxie left that night to finally go HOME where she belonged.


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