
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dixie, aussie

Dixie is Found!!!!
Serina L
March 29, 2010

Dixie- thank god, is found! I would like to share the story filling in the gaps between her loss and her final return.

Dixie was lost and found in March 2010

As we know, Dixie had gone missing out of Terence's back yard Tuesday night, and he bagan searching for her. There were many people involved donating hours uppon hours of their time walking, and talking to people and handing out fliers. The mornings were early, and the nights were so late, you could count them as quite early as well.

On day two (Wednesday) Besides the street searching, her hunt became more advanced including puting fliers in pet stores, gas statios, any other place that would take them, including along the streets. The humane society and animal control were called. (and became a daily task)

Then on Wednesday night, it was beginning to feel hopeless. We had heard stories about puppies being stolen from people's back yards, and that was a huge and gut wrenching shock! We knew that either way, the longer she was lost, the less of a chance we would have in getting her back.

That night, we searched the internet for any puppy sale listing in Minnesota. (ther are a lot of them by the way) We put adds on any internet sight that might help, and in every news paper we could think of surrounding the St Cloud area. This was extremely time consuming, not to mention heavy on the pocket book. None of the time or money mattered however, as long as it gave us even the smallest posibility of getting Dixie home safe.

Thursday, a lost dog specialist was called, and she set up a search game plan, and designed poster boards to promote to the dense weekend traffic in St Cloud. The poster boards were picked up thursday night in big lake and a group of people were recruited to create a full on weekend search for Dixie.

Friday morning, Terence was on his way to pick up Dixie's Lost Dog posters, when he got a call. The newspaper adds had come out, and someone had Dixie! Terence turned right around and hurried back to St Cloud to be reunited with his dog.

He arrived at the house where Dixie had been staying the whole time, and was pleasantly greeted by the man at the door.

The man asked about the reward posted on the flier Terence had put out. Terence told him he was planning on offering $500 - he didn't have it with him, but he would be happy to get the money and bring it to him. The man then said that he planned to keep her until Terence came back with his reward. Terence told the man he was happy to get the money and come right back, but he wasn't going to leave without his dog. Then the man became hostile and informed him that this was unacceptible and refused to give Terence his dog back!

Terence then called the police. While they waited the man informed him that he had planned to keep Dixie and only decided to call and return her when he saw the posters. He then had the audacity to inform Terence that HE owned the dog now, and his friend in the house piped in "posession is 9 10ths of the law"

The police came and negotiations began. Obviously Terence owned the dog, but the officer asked him to try and settle this peacefully and which point a friend brought $75 to the house for the man and Terence left with his dog.

Bravo to Terence for managing to stay civil! He had spent the better part of a year finding and preparing for the perfect dog, and finally got to bring her home last month. Then this jerk off just decides to make her his! She would have been home days ago if it weren't for the scum like the man who poor Dixie had to stay with for 3 whole days!

Hours of searching, and hundreds of dollars were spent in her search, and all the while this guy had taken her with absolutely no intention of giving her back. If the flier hadn't said there was a reward for her, he wouldn't have even given her back. He would have just let us continue to worry, with no idea what may have happened to her for his own selfish benefit. I take a little bit of comfort in knowing this sorry excuse for a human being didn't get the full reward. He screwed himself with his own selfishness and showed his true colors. I honestly hope that his selfishness continues to hold him back in life because he doesn't deserve any better.

Meanwhile, little Dixie is back home, and content! She is micro chipped and will never go back yard running without her collar and close supervision again! (Smart little girl to figure her way out of a fenced yard)

Thank you to all of the good people out there who helped us find Dixie! The world is blessed to have good people like you in it! I can't believe the number of people who stepped up to help us find her, whether it was keeping watch for her, or helping in the full on search, every little bit helped. It's nice to know there are some truely wonderful people out there!


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