
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sally, cocker spaniel

Dog reunited with owner thanks to Twitter
By Jessica Thompson
Jan 14 2011

Sally, a missing Cocker Spaniel, has been found thanks to Twitter

A dog who went missing in Feltham has been found 30 miles away after a Twitter campaign snowballed.

Sally, a 10 year old female Cocker Spaniel, went missing on Tuesday night when she was walked by a family friend in Feltham Park.

Robyn Trainer launched the on-line appeal after hearing of the "distressing" news about the much loved animal. The pet belongs to her mother in law who had left the Sally with family while holidaying in Australia.

The pet in peril was found today, just 24 hours after her owner touched down at Heathrow airport to learn she had gone missing.

Speaking yesterday, Mrs Trainer, said: "We are quite distressed. We have let as many people know locally as we can including the council. It's horrible not knowing if she is ok or not.

"I turned to Twitter because I have to do everything I can. Yesterday 70 to 80 people had re-tweeted it, people I don't even know. The support has been overwhelming".

But it was good news when she Tweeted this afternoon to announce that the pet had been found.


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