
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mac, Jack Russell terrier

Found Dog in Bray – Mac’s Back!
Emmet, blogmaster Lost Dog in Bray
Published on May 5, 2010

So the huge news is we’ve got Mac back. The other great news is that while he’s a bit thin, he’s physically in great condition. He has clearly been shaken up by his ordeal, but aside from being tired and initially timid, he’s very quickly returned to form.

The cool thing is we got Mac back as a combined result of pretty much everything we’ve been doing. We worked hard, and a lot of other people worked even harder on our behalf, but the combined effort is what led to finding him.

First up we got the word out on twitter via my account (@emmet), people really responded to this and it created a huge awareness. A couple of hundred people retweeted info on Mac, and really helped spread the word he was missing. As a result of that activity, Sian from contacted me. We’d never been in touch before, but John had mentioned her before in some context or other. So she put me in touch with her business partner from what’s what , Barbara

I know this is getting convoluted, but Barbara put me in touch with the legendary Lesley. Lesley runs Bray Directory and basically seems to have friends in both high and low places. She’s kept us going through a lot of the crappier times in the last week. Barbara and Lesley basically went around talking to people and harassing them and raising awareness. Impressive stuff.

So it seems that whoever took the dog felt enough pressure on them from people on all sides of the law, that they decided to let Mac go last Friday. Someone spotted him in Fassroe where he was abandoned by his abductees. From here, Mac made his way to Enniskerry, and to be honest I’m shocked he had the road sense to make it that far. He then basically followed this girl home, and they took him in on the weekend.

I spent my weekend plastering bray with flyers, and basically the girl’s father saw one of these. He checked out the website (site developed in record time by the legendary Niall Flynn), and confirmed from the photos it was Mac they had. The father got in touch with me, and then my wife picked up Mac this evening.

At first Mac was really quiet and timid, but he was physically really well. He’s lost a lot of weight, but hasn’t been maltreated. Despite his initial reticence, when he got home he went nuts, running around like a mad thing, really, really happy.

So basically that’s the direct path to how he was found, but lots of other people helped too. We had senior members of the Gardai taking a close personal interest, we had private detectives making enquires free of charge, we had some media coverage, not to mention twitter, facebook, blogs etc. and we even had a few really decent members of the traveling community working for us.

To be honest I really didn’t think we’d get mac back, but I thought if I threw everything at it, it mightn’t become a defining moment in the lives of my children. I am really blown away by the help and support we’ve got from everyone, without it he wouldn’t be here now. One bath later, my living room smells like a smelly wet dog, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.




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