
Monday, April 4, 2011

Sarge, Husky

Siberian Husky lost during vacation is reunited with Norton family
By Kathy Antoniotti, Beacon Journal staff writer
posted by jim on January 7, 2011

Sarge could be a poster dog for the merits of licensing the family pet. In this case, a license was his ticket home.

The year-old stray Siberian Husky was picked up and taken to Summit County Animal Control in October. Without identification to locate his owner, the dog was placed up for adoption and the Decker family of Norton eagerly adopted him.

Two weeks later, on a vacation to a Guernsey County cabin, Sarge ran away.

"We were in the middle of nowhere — no cell phones, no nothing," said Deb Decker.

On their last day at the cabin, Sarge picked-up the scent of another animal during a family outing in the woods. Decker's son, Gabe, 9, let go of the leash when he was dragged through a field of nettles, Decker said.

But when Sarge went AWOL this time, he was wearing a dog license that identified where he came from and to whom he belonged.

The husky was found a short time later about two miles from where he made his escape by a woman who contacted Animal Control after reading his Summit County tag, Decker said.

"That license saved Sarge's life," she said. "It's renewal time and, I can guarantee, I will be licensing him again."

By state law, all dogs over three months of age must be licensed. New Summit County dog owners have 30 days to buy a $14 license that assigns a distinctive identification number to each dog. Licenses must be renewed annually between Dec. 1 and Jan. 31.


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