
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Annie, weimeraner

Lucky Dog Survives Train Hit, Two Days In The Wild
McKay Allen | KXLY4 Reporter
June 2, 2011

CHENEY, Wash. -- Is it a miracle? Or just one lucky dog?

Two Fridays ago Scott Jensen's dogs Annie and Buddy went out to play on the family's property near the Cheney-Spokane road.

"They run together a lot," Jensen says.

A few hours passed and Buddy returned. Annie didn't.

Immediately that concerned Jensen. "The fact that he came back without the female obviously something had happened to her."

He called all the neighbors, then got on his ATV and looked all day Saturday, Sunday and Monday morning.

"There was no sign," he says.

Was she hit by a car? Attacked by a predator? Or, perhaps, hit by one of the trains that pass about a half mile from the Jensen home?

"Two different times with binoculars I scanned the tracks, no sign, no sign of her."

The weekend came and went, over 48 passed, and by Monday hope that Annie would ever come home was gone.

"It got me down, the [other dog] was depressed, my wife was stressed out. I actually went to the office and starting looking for a new dog for us," Jensen recalls.

But then, perhaps, a miracle. On a whim Scott Jensen's wife called a vet in Cheney. That vet had an injured dog matching Annie's description. The dog had been brought in the day before.

It was Annie.

Turns out she had been hit by a train Friday afternoon. Her pelvis was crushed. Her leg was cut. Her ear was nearly chewed off by scavengers.

Annie laid on the ground near the tracks for nearly 48 hours until Sunday evening when a man fishing on a nearby lake saw Annie and rescued her.

"She was in and out of consciousness," Jensen says. "Half of her ear was chewed off, she was covered in blood. Most people probably would have given her up for dead."

But now Annie is back at home and she's running and playing again. And for the Jensen family she is a walking miracle.

"Something was meant to be, there was some high power looking out," Jensen said.


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