
Monday, June 13, 2011

Dante, pomeranian

After 5 Years The Phone Finally Rings!
Posted By: Todd Wackford, Granite Bay, CA

Five years ago, I purchased a cute 10 week old Pomeranian puppy for my 16 year old daughter as we had moved into a new place. I thought a new little buddy would help the transition and keep her from being lonely. She named him Dante. He followed her around like the proverbial puppy he was. They were inseparable.

A few weeks later, my Daughter let the dog out into the back yard when she took a shower. When she got out, she went to let Dante back into the house but he was gone. The gardeners had opened the gate to mow the back lawn and he slipped away when they were not looking. After a lot of tears and searching of the neighborhood, we did the normal reward posters and waited for the phone to ring, but nothing. A couple of weeks later, I got out the papers he came with and registered his chip online with HomeAgain.

Time went by and we would often see other Pom's and think about where he might be. I even would look at online pet placement blogs just to see if I'd spot him. I never did. Then today June 1, 2011, I got a text message from my daughter: "Call me ASAP". I called right away and she was ecstatically screaming "They found him! They found Dante!” Apparently he was found in a field and brought to the animal shelter in Sacramento. They wanded him and found the chip which led to the call!

My Daughter is now 21 and moved into her own house just last weekend. And now she has the little fuzzy pal I bought five years ago to keep her from being lonely in a new place. Dante is back Home Again.......


1 comment:

  1. I am very happy that she was re-united with her beloved little pom.They will touch your heart in a way that can't be described. I just had to have my "Sweet Baby" put to sleep after 11 years; and it is totally tearing me apart.


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