Tester for Stay and Fetch Goes Missing and is Found by the Tag
Although you hope your pet will never become lost or even hurt and lost it a great feeling to know that when you do something to protect your pet it works. This page is about sharing stories, notes, emails and comments about how StayandFetch works for you. Please send us your story for us to share.
Our First Success! How a lost dog 1966 miles from home was reunited in hours
We never expected our first success story to come from one of our "test" dogs but none the less we are excited to share the successful outcome with you.
Dobie with his StayandFetch USB flash drive ID |
He's a feisty little guy, sometimes a bit of a yapper, an explorer, great travel dog and always adorable! When they decided to move to California from Columbia Missouri he became a logical choice for a test dog because he would not be familiar with the area, always an explorer he'd test the ocean, roll in the sand and take an occasional dip in the pool or nearby stream.
On a recent visit back to Columbia, 1966 miles from home, Dobie wandered off. Having lived in the Columbia area for more than 10 years he was familiar with the area, but forever the explorer this time he went a little too far out of range. His owner, Scott, had been looking for him for almost 5 hours when he got a call from the Central Missouri Humane Society. The person with the happy news said that Dobie had been picked up and brought to the shelter, and when they saw the StayandFetch ID tag they put it in the computer and had printed out his contact information. Relief all around!
It's hard to put into words just how grateful you are for a successful outcome. You never expect it to be one of your own, but since it did, we couldn't be happier.
Scott and Dobie are back in Califorina. Scott said the first time on the beach one of the waves got him but but being the feisty guy that he is he shook it off and was back at digging in the sand.
Thank You to the Central Missouri Humane Society staff for your hand in reuniting Dobie and Scott. You should be proud of your alert staff and their attention to detail, without them we could have have a very different outcome.
We will be donating $5.00 for every StayandFetch USB pet ID sold in July to the Central Missouri Humane Society. Thank you for all the good you do!
Source: http://www.stayandfetch.com/success
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