
Friday, October 7, 2011

Jack, golden retriever

Victor Poleo Reunited With Missing Service Dog After Viewer Sees Story
Written by Meghan Packer
11:41 PM, Oct 5, 2011

Providence, NC -- A Caswell County man has been reunited with his missing service dog thanks to a News 2 viewer.

Video available here

Victor Poleo said his golden retriever, Jack, had been missing since Friday.

"We don't know that Jack was taken or whether he just ran away and got lost," said Poleo.

Jack is much more than just a pet to Poleo. He's a service dog that helps Poleo with his anxiety disorder.

"He's accompanied me to numerous places - shopping, Walmart and Lowes and the mall and to the doctors offices as well," said Poleo.

"He's able to sense somehow when I'm about to have an anxiety attack and he distracts me in such a way that oftentimes that attack is prevented," added Poleo. "He just kind of forces himself on me and requires my attention whether to pet him on the head or he just distracts me from my environment."

"It's been much better and much easier for me to have Jack than to take some of the medications that the doctors have prescribed to help me with those anxiety attacks," he said.

Poleo has had Jack for a little more than two years. He said it would cost about $15,000 to replace him and that cost is simply out of the question.

Minutes after the story ran at 11 p.m. Wednesday, Poleo received a call from a woman who said she knew where Jack was. She said the dog wandered to her brother's house and they have been taking care of him for the past few days.

They brought the dog to Poleo's house and he confirmed it was indeed Jack. The two are now happily reunited.


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