
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Lexy, German shepherd

Lexy's Story
Alex F, told to LostMyDoggie
Date Lost: 12/20/2009

Lexy, a 10yr old german shepherd with moderate hip dysplasia went out her dog door the night of December 19th, 2009 sometime after 11pm. She was missing for two weeks. She was found on January 2nd, 2010 wandering around within 1/8 of a mile of my house by a snow plowman.

When we got to the location of the calls, about a dozen cars, a plow truck and a cop car were all stopped and people were out of their cars trying to coral Lexy from going into traffic and from going back into the woods.

It was a great community moment where complete strangers came together and helped to reunite a lost and frightened dog with its parents/owners.

In summarizing this incredible experience, I learned that once dogs are forced into survival mode they can survive even in the harshest conditions imaginable. Lexy survived two weeks which began with a blizzard that dropped two plus feet of snow. She had little or no food to eat. The temperatures at night were at or below 0°F, periods of high winds, rain, snow drifts up to four feet, isolation, fear and she probably had to deal with coyotes.

For two weeks I searched and put up 70 posters, & 700 fliers and searched many of my neighbors properties (with permission).

The day before she was found I had hired somebody to come out with tracking dogs to see if we could pick up her trail. We were able to pick up a direction and a specific location in which we thought she had gone, but could not find any signs of her.

Our only guess as to how she came to be in the street the morning after we searched the immediate woods the previous afternoon was that somehow she was able to pick up either my wife’s scent or mine and follow it back out to the road.

There are many hills in that area where you cannot see or hear traffic or houses and the chances that just hours after we searched the immediate woods she turned up we felt were more than just a coincidence.

Thank you for your immediate and quick response to my request for help. You and your service were helpful to get out the information and in getting people to be on the lookout for my Lexy.


Lexy's photo is on Lost My Doggie

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