
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Pierre, poodle

Local Student Reunited With Missing Poodle
Kara Pennington Says She Paid $5,200 To Get Back Her Missing Dog Pierre
POSTED: 1:08 pm PDT March 21, 2012

SAN DIEGO -- A local college student has been reunited with her missing poodle.

Kara Pennington said her 3-year-old poodle, Pierre, escaped from her house through a broken door.

"We went crazy looking for him," she said.

Pennington hired a pet detective, posted thousands of fliers all the way to Tijuana, marched in the St. Patrick's Day parade with signs and cashed out her life savings of $5,000 for Pierre's safe return.

"It was a nightmare [and] the worst thing that could happen," she said. "He's like my baby."

On Saturday, a break in the case came from a stranger who said they saw Pierre at a downtown homeless shelter.

"A woman told us she saw our signs and thought she saw Pierre with a homeless man who had him in a stroller bundled up," said Pennington. "He was selling him to a man who lived in Mexico for $200."

Another break in the case came when a man called from a Tijuana pay phone saying he had the dog, saw the reward poster and now wanted the money.

"The guy didn't speak English, but I heard 'Perro' and 'dinero,'" said Pennington. "He basically wanted $5,200 in cash: $200 for what he paid for the dog and $5,000 for the reward."

Pennington met the man at the Tijuana police station and made the exchange.

"He wanted to see the money first before they showed the dog," she said. "I was beyond relieved when I saw it was really Pierre. I looked at his paws to find a spot he always licks to make sure it was really him. It was."

Pennington took Pierre to a veterinarian for a thorough checkup on Tuesday. The dog had ringworm on his hindquarter but appeared to be in good shape.

D.V.M. Rochelle Brinton, who is with Relief Veterinary Services in San Diego, said it is not unusual for dogs like Pierre to be sold into Mexican puppy mills.

"It's another good reason to have your pets spayed and neutered," she said. "This, I think is another way people make money in this depressed economy. Take care of your pets. Give them good food and get them micro chipped."

Pierre was given a clean bill of health. Pennington said she is hoping for no more escapes.

"He's always been my best friend," she said. "Part of my heart was gone when he left. I'm glad he's back."

Original story & video:

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