Harding Calkins Media Inc
Tue Apr 17, 2012

We’re not sure what’s going on in Kansas these days, but the state seems to be chock full of pet stories. Atop yesterday's pup-and-piglet become best friends tale, a 5-year-old girl in Kansas woke up this past Thursday to a wonderful surprise.
Andrea Taylor, who suffers from Cerebral Palsy and is legally blind, was devastated when her cherished therapy dog Millie went missing. Apparently, a white car pulled up to the front of the Taylor home and stole the pup, who had been Andrea’s therapy dog and companion since early March.
Andrea’s mother Lana told the Hutchinson, KS news that her daughter became distraught over the disappearance of her pet, which had been missing for two weeks.
Thankfully, according to Lana Taylor, the combined efforts of the media and the sheriff’s department wore down the mysterious dognappers. Right before 4 a.m. on Thursday, April 12, the Taylors heard noises coming from the front porch. Millie had been returned.
The dog ran right into Andrea’s room and dutifully waited for her to wake up. Lana Taylor posits that the dog was kidnapped for dogfighting purposes, as it had been returned visibly shaken. Thankfully, aside from a few surface scratches and bruises, the pup is doing fine and is happy to be reunited with Andrea.
While the perpetrators of the dognapping are still unknown, the Taylors, especially Andrea, are simply elated to have Millie back in their home.
Source: http://www.phillyburbs.com/lifestyle/pets/girl-reunited-with-stolen-pitbull-therapy-dog/article_6da8eb5c-88a9-11e1-a90a-0019bb30f31a.html
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